Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Horse in video clip

The horse used in the video clip is a stallion going by the name of Maestro. He is a seven year old Pinto. He was originally backed before but something went terribly awry. The previous owner kindly asked me to re-back him. He was my real first challenge with regards to using the Equine Body Talk concept on such a fearful animal.

In our first session (4 years ago) it took me 4 hours to just touch his shoulder. He was kept in small enclosed paddock on the side of steep hill (10m x40m) with a few other colts including one of his off spring. I think that there were about 4 horses in total. I soon realised that I had to adopt the same herding technique that I successfully used in an arena. It sure did not make it any easier having the other horses in the same enclosure, as Maestro used the other horses as a shield, always doing his best to keep another horse in between himself and me. Remember I was confronting him with his worst possible nightmare, a human being. He had zero trust for humans and I only fully realised this once i got close enough to see a massive scar below his left eye. Then the penny dropped!! His nervous head and skittish behaviour on his left side is evidence that he was on the receiving end of human aggression. However once I was able to touch him and finally catch him to work him in a lunge arena it became a matter of an hour or two before I was riding him. This is completely understandable as the damage to his face was not done from the saddle but from the ground. Whilst in the middle of the arena, if I just flicked my fingers out from a scrunched fist to a straight finger position, Maestro would freak out and gallop around the arena fearing something would happen He was immensely fearful of the hands and when he came up to me, he only came from behind. This indicates that he has identified the dangerous side of a human being, the front side.

It is interesting how quickly a horse can progress once trusts a human. The very same can be said for a person, as it is interesting how quickly a person can progress once they can trust a horse. This is why horses and people have such a natural close bond, we have a lot in common and we can learn from each other everyday. Maestro has taught me the importance of TRUST, therefore he will continue to teach every person he encounters the value and importance of TRUST. A relationship without trust is no relationship at all.

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